UX/UI Design

Club Feast App & Web Design

From January 2021 through December 2021 I worked as the Head UX/UI Designer for the food delivery start-up Club Feast. During my time at Club Feast, I designed their first customer-facing app and made constant updates to their web dashboard and internal operations.

Since leaving the company, they have pivoted business models and altered their designs accordingly.
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Northeastern Covid Tracking App

During the pandemic, Northeastern University wanted to help those on campus feel safe. Along with a group of fellow students, I designed a contact tracing app to provide Northeastern students, faculty, and staff with a system to track their COVID-19 status, and the status of those around them. After multiple design iterations, this final prototype was put through a summative evaluation involving students. ​

Designs by CJ Logue, Angelina Han, Holly Christensen, and Sean Kolczynski
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