The RoboAnt-2000 was designed to replace one of the most ecologically beneficial functions of the ant. Made from an assortment of durable metals and plastics, the RoboAnt is built to withstand the harsh environment of the underground world. Standing roughly half a centimeter tall and equipped with a steel drill-bit, this ant is capable of maneuvering through dense soils. As the ant creates elaborate and organized patterns of tunnels under the surface, it allows the soil to aerate. Soil aeration increases nutrient availability, relieves soil compaction, and helps to prevent flooding and puddling. The RoboAnt is not only beneficial for suburban lawns, but also for crop farming. It is powered by a small rechargeable battery that lasts for months at a time. The battery charges the ants' motor functions and a long-distance antenna tracker which allows owners to manage their robot's locations. The core of the robot glows to help operators easily find their tiny ants. This tool is designed to make soil maintenance easy and automated.