The goal of this project was to produce a realistic, virtual marsh environment scene. The inspiration behind this scene is based on a childhood memory of exploring the Sandy Point State Reservation trails in Newburyport, NH. The hero element of this piece is a trail of wooden planks suspended above the marsh, leading to an observation tower overlooking pockets of the saltwater marsh. This scene is a collection of assets I made using ZBrush and Maya, as well as 3D assets from Quixel Megascnas free library. It takes place during a foggy evening when the sun beings to break through the scatter of heavy clouds.
I used a collection of different terrain maps to mask 3D grass assets along the terrain. One of the challenges of this scene was the rendering distance of 3D assets.
A Peek At The Process
The observation tower and the wooden trail was modeled using Maya.
Modeling Phase
Using World Machine, I procedurally generated a collection of maps to produce the marsh terrain. The blues represent water/mud textures. The pink, green, brown, and yellow represent different grass assets.