Ted Talk by: Mai Lin Neo
Animated by: Caroline Logue, Jonathan Ma, & Sebastian Perez
Oftentimes, Ted Talks will be accompanied by a short animation to help visualize what the speaker is trying to express. For this project, we were instructed to find an interesting Ted Talk performance without animation and create a visual presentation to follow along with the audio. We chose the Ted Talk, The Fascinating Secret Lives of Giant Clams, by Mai Lin Neo, which discusses the importance of giant clams in relation to climate change.
Each member of our team created a storyboard that aligned with the audio recording of the Ted Talk. After deliberation, we combined and edited our three storyboards into one final storyboard. Using a combination of Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe AfterEffects, we created a short animation with a cohesive style to help narrate Mai Lin Neo's presentation.